Choose & Book
Select a profile that suits your query from the descriptions below. Each show an example of the instrument’s Profile you will receive, and provides a link to buying that assessment. Fees include Petra’s pre-study of your Profile & the relevant coaching hours.
EQ profiles visualise your current proficiency in using EQ abilities. The above model shows the qualities assessed.
This Profile shows how you are using the model’s 15 non-cognitive abilities that make up EQ. Your personal profile also indicates how strong your sense of well-being currently is.
Sample Profile Book your assessment
It can be difficult to objectively evaluate your own EQ abilities. This profile invites an honest and constructive appraisal from friends, colleagues, family and anyone else who might bring valuable perspective.
Sample Profile Book a 360º assessment
How does your team use EQ as a collective? This is a profile designed to help you identify where you excel, or perhaps over-rely and where you can strengthen team effort by using individual differences more smartly.
Sample Profile Contact us
Please send Petra an e-mail with any questions you may have.