Latest Past Events
1-day Personal Presence
Athy Community Arts Centre Woodstock Street, AthyAttend if you need to build confidence and assertiveness in expressing yourself with friends, family or other personal ‘audiences’. Learning a platter of vocal, verbal, physical and preparation skills to give you choices to be heard, seen, acknowledged. In this Workshop you apply the learned skills to your real life scenario. This is the last Personal […]
1-day Work Presence
Athy Community Arts Centre Woodstock Street, AthyAttend if you need important workplace audiences to remember you(r message). In interviews, presentations, or stakeholder engagements. Learning a platter of vocal, verbal, physical and preparation skills to give you choices to show up with the highest impact. In this Workshop you apply the learned skills to your real life scenario This is the last Work […]
2-day Presence & EQ
Athy Community Arts Centre Woodstock Street, AthyAttend to strengthen your ability to express yourself in important relationships. This requires to work both on your external as well as internal skills; go beyond 'performance'. You will receive your own personal, unique EQ Profile. You will learning about your present use of the EQ abilities and how to adapt your use when facing […]