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Petra Oorthuijs – biography

Petra is a highly sought-after Leadership (-Team) Coach, Trainer, Guest-Lecturer, Facilitator & Speaker for one clear purpose: to narrow the gap between how the mind intends to show up and the reality of how the body actually shows up. The body being you, your team, your organisation. 

She has a Bachelors in Nurse Management, a Masters in Theatre-Based Pedagogy, is a certified Emotional Intelligence master and has diplomas in various physical and vocal techniques. In 2020 she will deepen her training in Family Constellations Facilitation and Kinesiology.

For over 35 years Petra has worked with clients’ (Leadership) teams in business, education, health and community to visualise how their embedded cultures, patterns and behaviours embody Purpose and to practice new, more effective and impactful ways . Beyond knowing what is needed, people are brought to BEhave what is needed. Framed by her in-depth application of Emotional Intelligence, her tough love brings bodies to a more integrated level of performance for stronger impact.

Her business model is based on sharing. Free time and/or financial donation is given to charitable organisations by way of sharing the good fortune. Paying clients can indicate who they wish their fees are shared with.

She guest lectures in Letterkenny Business School on the Masters in Leadership & Innovation; delivers Presence & Authenticity on the Masters of Advanced Leadership Practice in Massey University, Auckland and is an associate lecturer on the IPA’s Leadership Programmes. Petra is a chosen member of USA’s CoachSource and sits on many coaching panels of private, public, educational, community and health organisations.

She runs unique training & coaching programmes with high commitment to detailed preparation, experiential impactful delivery and thorough follow up.  Presently the online world is becoming the new playground for her expertise; some examples are here.

On the Conference circuit Petra’s Engagement, with or without actors, is an energetic, interactive sample of the immediate impact theatre-based learning provides. Audiences ranging from 15 to 500 have been moved, in more ways than 1.

A vast range of clients & their testimonials describe her unique, effective way of tough loving work.